Climate and human adaptation during the last Glacial Period in the Côa Valley region (Portugal)
III Côa Symposium (Museu do Côa – Vila Nova de Foz Côa)
Exhibition at the Carmo Museum (Lisbon)
Completion of Master’s Thesis in Geomorphology
Completion of Master’s Thesis in Archeology
Madrid – El arte rupestre paleolítico del Valle del Côa
Minister Elvira Fortunato visits FCP (10/01/2023)
Laboratory analysis results at Fariseu (Rocha 9)
New sampling at the Fariseu site (sedimentology and micromorphology)
Fariseu’s archaeological excavations continue…
Call for a Research Grant N. 4 (M.Sc. student) – Fundação Côa Parque
Geomorphological field survey
Call for a Research Grant N. 3 (post-doctoral) – University of Coimbra
Sampling campaign for dating sediments and rocky-surfaces by cosmogenic nuclides
GIS-based predictive models in fluvial Palaeolithic archaeology
Fariseu’s fieldwork continuation (sedimentology and micromorphology)
Micromorphology and sedimentology sampling at the Fariseu site
Drop in water levels in the lower Côa River by EDP
Call for a Research Grant N. 1 (M.Sc. student) – University of Coimbra
MESA REDONDA – Património Natural e Cultural UNESCO
Participation in the EGU 2021 – General Assembly
Start geochemical analysis of Cardina siliciclastic sediments
Multiannual Archeology Research Project submission
Exploratory organic petrography at the Cardina site
OSL sampling at the Cardina and surroundings
Sampling along the Cardina 5 m-thick siliciclastic succession
Official project presentation session at the FCP
III Côa Symposium (Museu do Côa – Vila Nova de Foz Côa) December 06, 2024
Participation of the CLIMATE@COA Project team at the III Côa Symposium.
Exhibition at the Carmo Museum (Lisbon) October 01, 2024
An exhibition linked to the CLIMATE@COA project will open on November 23, 2024, to mark the 30th anniversary of the public presentation of the Côa Valley engravings in 1994.
Completion of Master’s Thesis in Geomorphology December 21, 2023
Raquel Lacerda concluded and publicly defended her Master’s Thesis in Fluvial Geomorphology and Sedimentology entitled “Morphometric analysis of the Côa Valley hydrographic network (Northeast of Portugal): contribution to geomorphological knowledge“, evaluated with a hight classification (18/20) at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). The results of this scientific research, in the CLIMATE@COA project framework, will also be published in an international journal.
Completion of Master’s Thesis in Archeology November 29, 2023
Patrícia Ramos concluded and publicly defended her Master’s Thesis in Archaeology entitled “The lithic economy of the Middle Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer community(s) of the Côa Valley“, evaluated with the highest classification (20/20) at the University of Porto (Portugal). The results of this scientific research, in the CLIMATE@COA project framework, will also be published in an international journal.
Madrid – El arte rupestre paleolítico del Valle del Côa January 18, 2023
André Santos. UNIARQ – Centro de Arqueologia de la Universidad de Lisboa. Fundación Côa Parque
El río Côa es uno de los afluentes de la margen sur del Duero, naciendo en la misma formación geomorfológica donde nace el Águeda, en cuyas orillas se encuentra el yacimiento de Siega Verde. A lo largo de los últimos 17 km de su recorrido, y por las riberas de otros afluentes del cercano Duero, se encuentra el mayor conjunto de arte paleolítico al aire libre de Europa, conociéndose actualmente algo más de 600 paneles decorados durante este período. distribuidos en 60 sitios.
Esta gran concentración de rocas grabadas se debe en gran medida a las características geológicas y climáticas de la región que permitieron su conservación. Pero también se debe a una dinámica sociocultural que sólo se entenderá si comparamos el arte rupestre paleolítico del Valle del Côa con el que se encuentra en los otros yacimientos contemporáneos de la cuenca del río Duero, de menores dimensiones y con un aspecto muy diferente.
El objetivo de esta conferencia es demostrar que todos estos sitios en el Valle del Duero formarían parte de un mismo sistema relacional que contribuyó a la perpetuación de una visión del mundo compartida por las comunidades de cazadores-recolectores que exploraron diferentes territorios ubicados entre el submeseta norte y el extremo occidental de la península.
Minister Elvira Fortunato visits FCP (10/01/2023) January 10, 2023
Under the protocol signed between FCT and the Côa Parque Foundation (FCP) in April 2021, which aims to award 30 doctoral scholarships for a period of 3 years, an invitation was sent to Minister Elvira Fortunato to visit the Foz Côa Foundation and make known the R&D activities carried out here, including the approved FCT I&D projects.